Saturday, February 4, 2012


In medical terms,/ but a texture that breaks,
Non-nutrituve/ tongue, continues to tear
Dirt or flour, paperclips,/ blood crunching with bits
In rare cases, a taste/ ends never digest well.

Magpie, the white-/ pica is an appetite for
The crow, lends its/ substances. One might crave
A scavenger, it will eat/ ice--even rocks.
Able to recognize its/ for bodily fluids develops.

Pregnant women,/ breasted, fat relative to
Habits, often desire/ name to the disorder.
Hot sauce on ice/ anything and is one of few
The magpie, will not/ own image in a mirror.

Glass has no taste,/ known for bizarre eating
Tears into gums,/ some strange combination--
Down one's throat./ Cubes of ice, unlike
of teeth, broken/ eat its own young.

In medical terms, but a texture that breaks,
The crow, lends its substances. One might crave
Hot sauce on ice anything is one of few
of teeth, broken, eat its own young.

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